1997年09月-2001年06月 大同大学化学教育专业学习,获理学学士学位
2001年09月-2004年06月 西北师范大学有机化学专业学习,获理学硕士学位
2011年08月-2015年06月 甘肃农业大学作物保护专业学习,获农学博士学位
【教材专著】:主编专著2部,分别为《农产品中单端孢霉烯族毒素的检测分析》,《果蔬中真菌毒素》,参编专著4部,分别为《果蔬采后病害 原理与控制》,《生物毒素学》,《Postharvest Pathology of Horticultural Produce》,《Fusarium, an overview of the genus》。
【学术论文】: 以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文30篇,EI论文4篇。主要代表作如下:
1. Xi Jihui, Yang Dongyun, Xue Huali*, Zhiguang Liu, Yang Bi*, Yuan Zhang, Xi Yang and Suqin Shang. 2023. Isolation of the main pathogens causing postharvest disease in fresh angelica sinensis during different storage stages and impacts of ozone treatment on disease development and mycotoxin production. Toxins, 15, 154.
2. Liu Qili, Zhang Qianqian, Xue Huali *, Bi Yang *, Yang Xi, Zong Yuanyuan, Liu Zhiguang, Chen Jiangyang, Prusky Dov. 2023. TrPLD1 and TrPLD2 modulate reactive oxygen species production and pathogenicity in Trichothecium roseum infected apple fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 199, 112222.
3. Lv Bingyu, Yang Xi, Xue Huali*, Nan Mina, Zhang Yuan, Liu Zhiguang, Bi Yang, Shang Suqin. 2023. Isolation of main pathogens causing postharvest disease in fresh Codonopsis pilosula during different storage stages and ozone control against disease and mycotoxin accumulation. Journal of Fungi, 146,1-18.
4. Zhang Qianqian, Liu Qili, Xue Huali*, Bi Yang, Liu, Zhiguang, Nan Mina. 2023. Effect of PLD-specific inhibitor 1-butanol treatment on the growth, and pathogenicity of Trichothecium roseum on muskmelon fruits. European of Journal Plant Pathology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-023-02645-8
5. Liu Zhiguang, Yang Xi, Xue Huali*, Bi Yang, Zhang Qianqian, Liu Qili, Chen Jiangyang, Nan Mina, Prusky Dov. 2023. Reactive oxygen species metabolism and diacetoxyscirpenol biosynthesis modulation in potato tuber inoculated with ozone-treated fusarium sulphureum. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. doi.org/10.1155/2023/4823679
6. Yang Lan, Xue Huali*, Liu Zhiguang, Liu Qili, Zhang Qianqian, Nan Mina. 2022. The effects of different ambient pH on the pathogenicity of Fusarium sulphureum and reactive oxygen species metabolism in F. sulphureum inoculation muskmelon fruits. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 122,101893.
7. Nan Mina, Xue Huali*, Bi Yang*. 2022. Contamination, Detection and Control of Mycotoxins in Fruits and Vegetables. Toxins, 14, 309.
8. Li Lan, Liu Qili, Xue Huali*, Bi Yang*, Raza Hussain, Zhang Rui, Jimdjio Kouasseu Carelle, Peng Hui, Long Haitao, Prusky Dov. 2022. Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) suppressed Fusarium rot development and neosolaniol (NEO) accumulation by activating phenylpropane metabolism in muskmelon fruit. European Journal of Plant Pathology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-022-02502-0.
9. Liu Qili, Zhang Rui, Xue Huali,* Bi Yang*, Li Lan, Zhang Qianqian, Carelle Jimdjio Kouasseu a, Nan Mina, Dov Prusky. 2022. Ozone controls potato dry rot development and diacetoxyscirpenol accumulation by targeting the cell membrane and affecting the growth of Fusarium sulphureus. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 118, 101785.
10. Li Lan, Xue Huali*, Bi Yang*, Zhang Rui, Carelle Jimdjio Kouasseu, Liu Qili, Nan Mina, Pu Lumei, Dov Prusky. Ozone treatment inhibits dry rot development and diacetoxyscirpenol accumulation in inoculated potato tuber by influencing growth of Fusarium sulphureum and ergosterol biosynthesis. Postharvest Biology and Technology 185,111796.
11. Jimdjio Carelle Kouasseu, Xue Huali*, Bi Yang*, Nan Mina, Lan Li, Rui Zhang, Qili Liu, Lumei Pu. 2021. Effect of ambient pH on growth, pathogenicity, and patulin production of Penicillium expansum. Toxins, 13, 550.
12. Zhang Rui, Li Lan, Xue Huali*, Bi Yang*, Raza Hussain, Si Min, Peng Hui, Nan Mina, Zong Yuanyuan, Dov Prusky. 2021. Ca2+ applications affect the phenylpropanoid metabolism in potato tubers induced by T-2 toxin. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 180, 111616.
13. Xue Huali*, Su Yaxuan, Li Lan, Bi Yang, Zhang Rui, Long Haitao, Nan Mina, Pu Lumei. 2020. Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) induced fusarium rot resistance and suppressed neosolaniol production by elevation of ROS metabolism in muskmelon fruit. Scientia Horticulturae, 265,109264.
14. Zhang Rui, Xue Huali*, Si Min, Bi Yang, Nan Mina, Zong Yuanyuan, Long Haitao, Dov Prusky, Cheng Xiaoyan. 2020. Mechanism of Ca2+-mediated NOX modulated in ROS metabolism induced by T-2 toxin in potato tuber. Food Chemistry, 317, 126416.
15. Xue Huali *, Bi Yang, Sun Yaxuan, Hussain Raza, Wang Hujun, Zhang Shan, Zhang Rui, Haitao Long, MinaNan, XiaoyanCheng, Calderóon-Urrea Alejandro. 2019. Acetylsalicylic acid ttreatment reduce Fusarium rot development and neosolaniol accumulation in muskmelon fruit. Food Chemistry, 289, 278-284.
16. Xue Huali*, Bi Yang*, Prusky Dov, Raza Hussain, Zhang Rui, Zhang Shan, Nan Mina, Zong Yuanyuan, Cheng Xiaoyan. 2019. The mechanism of induced resistance against Fusarium dry rot in potato tubers by the T-2 toxin. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 153, 69-78.
17. Xue Huali, Bi Yang*, Hussain Raza, Pu Lumei, Nan Mina, Cheng Xiaoyan, Wang Yi, Li Yongcai. 2018. Detection NEO in muskmelon fruits inoculated with Fusarium sulphureum and its control by postharvest ozone treatment. Food Chemistry, 254,193-200.
18. Xue Huali, Bi Yang*, Zong Yuanyuan, Alejandro CU, Wang Hujun, Pu Lumei, Wang Yi, Li Yongcai. 2017. Effects of elicitors on trichothecene accumulation and Tri genes expression in potato tubers inoculated with Fusarium sulphureum. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 148, 673-685.
19. Xue Huali, Bi Yang, Tang Yamei, Shivappa H, Pu Lumei, Nan Mina, Fu Guorui, Wang Yi, Yongcai Li. 2017. Influence of storage temperature and cultivars on T-2 toxin and neosolaniol accumulation in apples inoculated with Trichothecium roseum. Journal of Food Processing and Presevation, DOI:10.1111/jfpp.13424.
20. Xue Huali, Bi Yang*, Tang Yamei, Zhao Ying, Wang Yi. Effect of cultivars, Fusarium strains and storage temperature on trichothecenes production in inoculated potato tubers, Food Chemistry, 2014, 151:236-242.
1. 主持:国家自然科学地区基金“PLD介导的ROS调控Trichothecium roseum致病和产毒的分子机制”, 项目编号:32060566,2021年01月至 2024年 12月;
2. 主持:国家重点研发计划项目-子课题“高效真菌毒素控制技术和新型脱毒剂研发”,项目编号:2016YFD0400902-05,2016年7月-2020年12月;
3. 主持:国家自然科学地区基金“钙离子介导的NOX对T-2毒素诱导马铃薯块茎ROS积累的调控机理研究”,项目编号:31560475,2016年1月-2019年12月;
4. 主持:甘肃省自然基金“单端孢霉烯族类毒素在干腐病马铃薯块茎中分布研究”,项目编号:1308RJZA280,2013年7月-2015年6月;
5. 主持:甘肃省高等学校科研项目“马铃薯块茎中单端孢霉烯族毒素的发生与分布规律研究”,项目编号:2013B-034,2013年7月-2015年7月
6. 第二参与:国家863计划 “果蔬采后生物污染物消减与脱除技术研究”,项目编号:2012AA101607,2012年3月-2015年12月。
1. 甘肃省自然科学二等奖,我国北方果蔬主要采后病原真菌致病、产毒及诱抗机制,2020年,2020-Z2-004, 3-5.
2. 甘肃省高等学校科技进步三等奖,西北特色果蔬中单端孢霉烯族毒素污染现状及控制,2017年,2017KYGCG-059,1-8.
3. 2017年9月获甘肃省普通高等学校青年教师成才奖;
1. 2021年指导硕士研究生张蕊,获甘肃省优秀硕士论文奖;
2. 2022年指导硕士研究生李岚,获甘肃省优秀硕士论文奖;